January 2

Designer Review ~ Smalltown Dreamz

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The New Year is here! With that comes 12 new designers to feature this year. This month’s review is a day late but I figured everyone would still be resting up from a night of partying… and if you’re like me, that means crocheting until midnight!

This month I’d like to introduce you to Stephanie from Smalltown Dreamz if you don’t already know her. Crochet is not the only craft Stephanie spends her time on. Sewing is another of her favorites but her craft room is full of nearly EVERYTHING craft related!


Stephanie Smalltown DreamzStephanie has been a real life friend of mine for years. We met in middle school. Though she moved away, we were lucky enough to get back in contact a few years ago. Our love for crafting connected us beyond our childhood friendship. I talk with Stephanie several times a week but it was a privilege to ask her a few more business related questions.
Be sure to follow her on her social media site such as her website and Facebook and visit her other shops such as Ravelry, Craftsy and Etsy!

And now the fun part! Let’s learn a little bit about Stephanie and what made Smalltown Dreamz a reality!

Here’s a little tid bit about Stephanie:

My family is my world so when I am not crafting I am devoting my time to my kids and husband. We love the outdoors.I am blessed enough to have a husband that allows me to bring my yarn wherever we go.

How long have you been crocheting? What got you started?

I have been crocheting since I was 6 years old. My grandma taught me how.


Where do you see your business going? Where would you like to be in 5 years?

I would just be blessed to be able to keep doing what I am doing 5 years from now.



What is your favorite design and why?

I think my favorite design so far are the Christmas Lights. My family LOVES Christmas lights and so that pattern was designed for my family.

What is your favorite item to make as a gift?IMG_7115

Cowls and Hats are my favorite to gift out.

Where is the strangest place you’ve crocheted?

I crochet everywhere so I am not sure what would be considered strange lol

What is your favorite hook and why?

My favorite hook size is H it just seems to be the go to hook

If you had your own yarn line, what would it be called?


What is your favorite color or color combination you like to work with?

I am really big on the teals and grey this year

Dreamz for a yarn line?!? I love the sound of that! I can almost picture it… soft, squishy, light, YUMMY!!! I would pick blue color, though Dreamz would have a hundred shades of blues, with no knots, no middle cuts……. ok, I’ll get my head out of the clouds! But you have to agree, it does sound like a perfect yarn name!

Stephanie is also offering a discount for Crystalized Designs’ subscribers for the month of January! Get 20% off Smalltown Dreamz pattern right here using code CRYSTALIZED during checkout! You can find all the items I’ve made from Smalltown Dreamz here. My favorites are the hearts and headband pictured in this post! Be sure to find Stephanie on Facebook and say hi!

Hug Tell Smile png

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