September 1

Designer Review ~ The Purple Poncho

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The Purple Poncho, with 21 crochet patterns to date, offers a variety of fun and unique pattern styles! Want a quick item to make? The Purple Poncho offers patterns as small as earrings and appliques. Like those bigger projects? Yes, she has those too! I absolutely LOVE the Hairpin Lace Shimmer Scarf!
The Purple Poncho

Want to see more of The Purple Poncho? Follow the links below!
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Carolyn, owner and designer behind the Purple Poncho, is such an amazing person! Not only do I know her as a
designer, she also co-hosts The Community Link Party you find on the blog every Tuesday. Something I’ve always been curious about is Carolyn’s business name… why The Purple Poncho?carolyn gravatar

I decided on the name “The Purple Poncho”, because it was the inspiration of why I learned to crochet. I was introduced to crochet by my Grandma Mary when I was seven years old. She made me a purple poncho and I’ve been “hooked” ever since!


I started this a few years ago so that I would have something for myself when my kids leave for college, to keep me busy and involved with something I love to do.  The best part of all of this has been the great friendships I’ve made through the art of crochet.  We may live on opposite sides of the world  or in different states, but we’re still friends and talk to each other online everyday.   This has been a great experience and I’m so grateful that my Grandma taught me this skill, I feel so lucky!

How long have you been crocheting? What got you started?

I’ve been crocheting for most of my life.  My Grandma Mary taught me how when I was 7 years old.  I made ponchos and blankets for most of my family and friends growing up. I also made a lot of doilies out of variegated thread.

Where do you see your business going? Where would you like to be in 5 years?

There are so many avenues to take with this crochet journey, I would like to design more patterns that are featured in magazines, have my own books, and also teach crochet to children and adults.  I hope to inspire the younger generation and have an impact on their life through crochet the way my Grandma and crochet had on me.

Do you have any upcoming patterns you’d like to share with us?Bikini Bow Top A Free Crochet Pattern by The Purple Poncho

I have several patterns in the works including fashion wearables, home décor, holiday decorations and some unique jewelry designs.

What is your favorite design and why?

The Bikini Bow Top is my favorite design to date because it is easily customizable to fit any figure. It’s quick to make up, so you can make it in lots of colors and it looks great on. It also brings me back to my early days of crochet when I worked on commission for a bathing suit shop when I was 13 years old.  It was my first job and I really loved it.


Christmas Snowflake Pattern What is your favorite item to make as a gift?

During the holidays, I love to make a bunch of crocheted snowflakes.  I starch them and add some glitter while they dry.  They are great to stuff inside a card as an extra surprise for the recipient.  They also make great teacher gifts or add a little something to the top of a gift box.  Everyone always loves them and I get a lot of requests for them every year from family.  My tree is usually covered with them and I throw the extra ones on the dinning room table as decorations.

Where is the strangest place you’ve crocheted?

I don’t think any place is a strange place to crochet, but a way of life for me.  I’ve been known to crochet on the beach, in airplanes & cars, at sporting events  such as my kids soccer games and tournaments, and my Dad’s volleyball games growing up, in waiting rooms at Doctor’s offices, Dentists, etc.  You name the place, I’ll have a hook & yarn with me.

Where is the craziest place you’ve hid yarn?

Inside the firelog basket in the living room.

What is your favorite hook and why?

I’m currently working with the Crochet Lite hook, in size J, which is light weight so my hands don’t hurt or ache after long periods of use.   I love the flat area for your fingers and it fits nicely in my hand.  The hook area actually lights up, but I don’t often use that feature.  It makes nice, consistent stitches too.

Which crochet celebrity would you want to meet?

Vanna White and Mike Sellick

If you had your own yarn line, what would it be called?Herringbone Infinity Scarf A Free Crochet Pattern by The Purple Poncho

Love Cakes

What celebrity would you like to see wearing your designs and why?

Jennifer Aniston

I’d love to see her wearing your Herringbone Infinity Scarf! What is your favorite color or color combination you like to work with?

I love earth colors and tend to gravitate towards greens, blues, purple and turquoise when purchasing yarns.

What has been your biggest design risk? Was it worth it?

I don’t think I’ve taken any design risks at this time, my patterns are simple and easy to follow.

What was the last stitch you learned?

I’ve recently learned how to make linked stitches and some unusual shell stitches at the CGOA Conference that I recently attended and  I’m excited to incorporate these stitches in some upcoming patterns.

 What is your least favorite thing to make?

This is a hard question for me, because if it’s crocheted, I usually love to make it.

Carolyn also told me a little more about herself outside of crochet. It’s amazing the little things you learn about people when you get a chance to chat with them!

My design inspiration comes from flowers and fashion trends.  I also get inspired by unique fibers and unusual crochet stitches.  I love to pick up a hook and start creating.  It helps keep me grounded as I enjoy the rhythm of stitching and the calming affect it brings.  I like the fact that I can make an heirloom item that will last for years to come, that’s a bonus!

I’m married to my wonderful husband, David and we have two teenage kids.  The three of them keep me SUPER busy with school, sports and life.  I also enjoy cooking, (when I have time), gardening, working out and being outdoors at the beach or parks.  Life is good!

Thank you, Carolyn! I loved getting to know you more. I have to agree with you about the friendships made through crochet! It’s amazing how many amazing people are out there that can share in our craft! And I might have to get myself some firelogs 🙂 Any place to hid yarn is a good place!

Have a few of Carolyn’s patterns on your wishlist? Now’s the time to stock up! I’ve got an exclusive coupon for you to get 40% off your pattern purchase through September 6th, 2015 using code: THANKYOUCRYSTAL in The Purple Poncho’s Ravelry Store or The Purple Poncho’s Etsy Store. Also, please stop by her Facebook Page and say hi, tell her I sent you!

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