Since 2014, Just for Me January has been a way for me to take a little time for what I need. Now, more than ever, I feel I need this! Yes, the end of the year is crazy busy for so many. Holidays, family and friends, children, get-togethers… it all adds up to be an exhausting (yet hopefully fun) way to end the year but we need to take time for us when it’s needed most. And there couldn’t be any better time than after the hectic days.

By participating in this months’ challenge, I pledge to make/do at least one thing for me! I will take my time in thinking about what would make me happy, and make it happen before the month is over!
I think this is a great way to start out a year! This doesn’t even have to be crochet related and it definitely doesn’t have to be just one thing! This month I’d really like to finish a project that I started using Loops & Threads Woolike. It’s a rather large project that I picked back up at the end of last year, but in the craziness, I couldn’t get it completed. So this is my goal!
Happy New Year and I hope you’ll join me in this months’ challenge. Be sure keep an eye out for a year of them! And check out last year’s patterns…