September 27

Ravelry Projects

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Before I became a pattern designer, I loved to work off other designers’ patterns. Though I design now, I still love doing this. There are so many wonderful patterns out there (and too little time) and when I come across a pattern I’m in love with, I have to have it! I’m a classic pattern hoarder, like so many others. It’s only finding the time that stops me from making so many things!


fuzy parka

birdie (4)

Though my best time working up others’ patterns is when I’m testing, its still is very nice to sit down with a lovely pattern and make it my own in a small way! I love seeing another’s design in colors I love!

pom pom

Can you tell one of my favorite things to make is photography props? I’ve finally caught up with my Ravelry projects… and I’ve learned my lesson! Projects will be uploaded as I make them! I’ve loaded over 125 projects this weekend and happy to have that done!

You can my Ravelry projects here.

Have you made any of those patterns? Feel free to share your Ravelry projects or links in the comments below for all to take a peak!

hug tell smile


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