This is a happy and sad post for me. But before I go into either, I’ll give you a little bit of my history. I’m one of nine children in very blended, fun family. Like all families, we have our ups and downs but we love each other. We fight. We disagree. At times we don’t talk. But we still are family. Whether it be through marriage or adoption, we are a family and I love them no less. And this does tie into my hooded vest crochet pattern, I promise!
Years ago, back in my high school days, I was very close to my (step) sister. We did so much together, she was my idol (and probably to a very unhealthy state). She taught me a lot, she was a large part of who I am today. Time and changing separated us. And a very unfortunate accident took her away from the family. Though, she is forever in our hearts.
So that is the sad part of my post. I miss her even though we were not close in the last few years of her life. I would like to think that at some point in time, we would have rekindled our sister-ship and I’d have my older sister back. Â But now, I know she’s watching over me.
⇢Find the child size pattern on Ravelry, Etsy, & LoveCraft!
⇢Find the adult size pattern on Ravelry, Etsy, & LoveCraft!
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Hooded Vest Crochet Pattern
Ok, time to dry my eyes and move on to the happy part of this post. I was searching pinterest one day and ran across a photo of a fabric hooded vest, my inspiration for the Rebecca Jean Hooded Vest. And I have to admit that the garment was not what caught my eye. The model looked so much like my sister, I did a double take. And triple. And then I saw the vest. Each pattern has some meaning behind it. I make each personal, a touch of who I am. Well, this vest is all about my sister.
And then how cute is this vest in child sizes? I had to make that, too!
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