December 1

Designer Review ~ A Crocheted Simplicity

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December’s here already and so is another designer review on yet another one of my favorite designers! Jennifer from A Crocheted Simplicity has absolutely amazing designs! Offering a  wide variety of types of patterns, Jennifer surely won’t disappoint you when shopping at one of her stores! Her patterns are tested, well-written and very informational, offering picture tutorials and links when needed to ensure the customer has the least amount of difficulty when creating!

A Crocheted Simplicity

Headshot - Pionk, JenniferNot only is her designing outstanding, Jennifer is a wonderful person! Easy going, fun and helpful, I’ve come to think of Jennifer as a friend. I’ve gotten to know Jennifer over the past year, which started as I began testing a few of her patterns. Currently there are 127 A Crocheted Simplicity patterns…. WOWZERS!!! I only have 11 finished projects, but many more are on my ‘To Do’ list! I’ve been wanting to make myself a ‘Chasing Chevrons’ Handbag/Purse for the longest time now!

Be sure to follow her on her social media site such as her webisteFacebook, and Pinterest and visit her other shops such as Ravelry, Craftsy and Etsy!

But now on to the fun part! I got to ask Jennifer a few more personal questions. I love getting to know people better, knowing the real person behind the designs and I hope you enjoy reading more about Jennifer!WinterWavesMugger1WM

How long have you been crocheting? What got you started?

I first picked up a hook in October of 2011. My family had just moved up to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and I found myself needing something to do to keep my hands and mind busy for the upcoming winter months. Teaching myself to crochet became very therapuetic and it helped me adjust to living so far away from family and friends.

Where do you see your business going? Where would you like to be in 5 years?

If crochet time were an endless commodity, I’d like to publish a book or two within the next 5 years. Although it would be an exorbitant amount of work, I believe it would be great fun!

Do you have any upcoming patterns you would like to share with us?

I have several in the works (isn’t that how the creative mind works? lol), but am excited to finish up a couple of designs for men.


What is your favorite design and why?

Hmm, I have many favorites, but lately my “Knot Knit” Slouch is my favorite to wear. It’s warm, stylish and great at covering up untamed hair when I need to run to town for a gallon of milk (or yarn).

What is your favorite item to make as a gift?

My favorite item to make as a gift are slippers and this year I’m making my Adult’s Slouchy Slipper Boots for several family members.

What is your favorite hook and why?

Anything that’s a Clover Amour. I really don’t have a size preference, but I do love my Amour hooks because they keep my hands from cramping up. Well worth the investment!

What is your favorite hook and why?

Anything that’s a Clover Amour. I really don’t have a size preference, but I do love my Amour hooks because they keep my hands from cramping up. Well worth the investment!

What celebrity would you love see wearing your designs and why?

Adam Levine…doesn’t he make everything look great? I suppose I’d have to design a few masculine items though. I’m not sure he’d look the same in a skirt! For a female celebrity, Jennifer Aniston. I think she’d look great in a few of my slouch hats.

What is your favorite color or color combination you like to work with?

I love pinks and blues and find myself reaching for the brighter hues.

What is your least favorite thing to make?

Blankets. Although I treasure the ones my grandma made me, I find myself getting way too bored while making them. I may have a slight touch of “Crochet ADD”.

Studio2I also got a peek at her little corner of the world! How beautiful is this crafting room?? I would love to be able to relax in that chair, working on my latest release while the voices of my peacefully playing children drift toward me… yeah… who am I joking? I would hear fighting, not nice playing! But it truly is a beautiful crafting room!

And it gets better! Not only did you get to hear what Jennifer had to say, she’s offering an exclusive discount for my readers! Get 30% off in her Ravelry Store for the entire month of December (excluding already discounted patterns) using code: CRYSTALIZED

I hope you’ve enjoyed this designer review! You can find all of my Ravelry Projects using A Crocheted Simplicity’s patterns here.

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